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Assigned by God

Acts 10: 42 And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. 43

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Meet Joshua Muchena

The Servant
Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power

Apostle Josh is standing in his season becoming accepted as a captivating Speaker and firebrand preacher. He stands out as a giant among giants with a message of Faith that marries the spiritual aspects of being a believer and the practical wisdom for success in daily living founded on sound biblical theology. He as earned a name for strong prophetic delivery that is undoubtedly the evidence of the prophetic unction working for the edification of the saints.

When in doubt,
choose change.

The man

Matthew 16: 13 He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”

Joshua Muchena was born again in 1999 at the turn of the new millenium being the first born again in a family of Four. Becoming a light bearer he went on to serve under the ministry of Apostle B. Java the prolific man of God was later ordained as a youth Pastor at age of 20 becoming the youngest ordained pastor to date in Tabernacle of Grace. Two years later was sent by God to Cape Town with a mandate for an Apostolic Ministry which became established as Faith Empowerment Christian Centre as the Co-Founder and Senior Pastor in service together with Christ.

The Journey

Genesis 12: 4 So Abram left, as the LORD had told him;

Against all odds Apostle Josh strove to fulfil the mandate on and off the pulpit. The message was different and dynamic which proved to be relatable for everyday life and walk with God. The saints received it with zeal and overwhelming joy, that was the day when He realised that everything is possible and all that is needed is to work hard, trust God  and clearly see the final goal and every day make small changes in those to whom he was called for evidenced by the Growing voice of Faith Empowerment.

2 Samuel 5 12 And David realized that the LORD had established him as king over Israel

Apostle Josh is an accomplished Author of multiple best selling titles, a conference speaker, mentor and life coach. He has a diploma in Ministry from TOG School of Ministry, and a bachelor's degree in Ministerial Theology from Andrews University. He continues to forge his quest for knowledge through participation in numerous pastoral seminars, forums, and networks hosted by various seminaries and ministers.

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